About our cattery
Dedicated to our cats
Elf Sphynx

The Elf Sphynx are Sphynx with curled tip ears.

Hairless to a slightly velvety fur covering some or all of the body.

Welcome to LA's Sphynx
Home of the Velcro Velvets
Available Elf Sphnx Kittens
Every kitten goes through a rigorous health inspection by our Vet. Will come vaccinated up to date, dewormed, spayed or neutered. Parents are HCM scanned, each kitten will eating well on Life's Abundance "All Life Stage" cat food and expected to stay on this food for one year after purchase..
Each kitten/cat will come with a health guarantee and contract.
We are a closed Cattery meaning kittens and adults being viewed for purchase will be through appointment only. This will prevent miscommunications and possible illnesses from being brought into our cattery where very young unvaccinated kittens are living. We ask that you e-mail us at las.sphynx@gmail.com to talk with us and start the adoption process or if you have any questions. Thank you



Planned breeding
for 2024-2025
Get on our waiting listing with a chances at the litter before they go up on the website by placing a deposit to hold a baby.
Available Sphynx Kitten
A domestic cat gave birth in 1966 to a hairless kitten in Canda. It was discovered through genetic testing to be a natural genetic mutation and this is what we now know as to be the lovable Sphynx today. They have large up right ears and known to be totally sticky bald to being coated.
Each kitten/cat will eating well on Life's Abundance "All Life Stage" cat food and expected to stay on this food for one year after purchase..
We are a closed Cattery located in Minnesota, this means kittens and adults being viewed for purchase will be through appointment only. This will prevent miscommunications and possible illnesses from being brought into our cattery where very young unvaccinated kittens are living. We ask that you e-mail us at las.sphynx@gmail.com to talk with us and start the adoption process or if you have any questions. Thank you

#4 Sphynx Girl
Will come vet checked microchipped, with age appropriate vaccinations and come spayed. $2200.00
Ready to go home end of Jan 2025 6 months old

#5 Sphynx girl
she will come vet checked vaccinated with age appropriate shots. Come microchipped and spayed.$2200.00
Ready end of Jan 2025 to go home 6 moths old

Ask me about possible rescues & available adults

#1 Miss Buzz
15 months old, Sphynx Bambino, up to date on shots, spayed.$1800.00 Ready to go home end of Jan 2025


Dwelf-Bambino Sphynx
Short legged Sphynx
Bambino Sphynx have large up ears with short legs. They are a cross between a Sphynx and the Munchkin breed. Bambio Sphynx recently have been accepted into the associations and clubs.
Dwelf Sphynx have the curlded tipped ears with the short statured legs. A cross between the American curl with the distinctive curled ear along with the Munchkin and all our all time favorite the Sphynx.
Each kitten/cat will eating well on Life's Abundance "All Life Stage" cat food and expected to stay on this food for one year after purchase. We are a closed Cattery meaning kittens and adults being viewed for purchase will be through appointment only. This will prevent miscommunications and possible illnesses from being brought into our cattery where very young unvaccinated kittens are living. We ask that you e-mail us at las.sphynx@gmail.com to talk with us and start the adoption process or if you have any questions. .. Thank you
Bambino Sphynx

Large Upright Ears
with Short Legs
Dwelf Sphynx

aCurled Tipped Ears with Short Statured Legsurding 1
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